Today we revised all the family names using the flashcards. Mrs McDowall kept putting up flashcards and asking us what they meant in English and French. We had to translate into English and back to French and sometimes we had to answer in both French and English. It was quite hard, but good fun.
Then, we matched the words in French to the figures on the board. There was one missing flashcard as you can see from the photo. Can you tell us what is missing?
Finally, we went on to Kirklandneuk's blog and answered their question about our brothers and sisters. Some of us couldn't remember how to do the accents so we will need to remind ourselves to use typeit next time.
Mrs McDowall has set us some homework for next week. We have to listen to this mp3 file and repeat all of the family names. She has also bookmarked it in delicious/inchinnan.
Well done Primary 5 I am so proud of you all. I am very impressed by your wonderfol work in both French and in Blogging.
Thank you for being a wonderful class.
Well done P5! Are any of you going to get to use your french on holiday this summer?
I'm very impressed by your blogging abilities. I bet you have lots of fun with Mrs McDowall.
J'ai une petite soeur et un grand frère.
Keep up the good work Primary 5. I have answered your question. J'ai un petit frère et deux petites soeurs.
Madamoiselle David
bonjour inchinnan,
Je suis enfant unique KYLE T
J'ai deux soeurs stuart b
bonjour inchinnan
j'ai un frere & une soeur
bonjour inchinnan
je suis enfant unique
J'ai un frere et une soeur.
J'ai deux petite soeurs ma famille
Bonjour inchinan. J'ai deux fréres.
Bonjour Inchinnan
J'ai un frére.
J'ai trois soeurs et un frere.
Au revoir.
bonjour J'ai trois frères un soeur
Bonjour Inchinnan,
J'ai deux frères
J'ai un frére &
J'ai un soeurs
Bonjour inchining primary .J'ai un frere.
Thank you for being a wonderful teacher Mrs Gardner but do you know how to spell wonderful?
Bonjour Inchinnan. J'ai un frére. Au Revoir
Bonjour, j'ai un frère.
bonjour inchinan un freres
Bonjour Inchinnan. J'ai un frére. Au Revoir
Bonjour,j`ai un frére j`ai un seour
Salut inchinan. J'ai un frere.
J'ai un frère et une soeur.
Hi is Derek.I like lerning french with mrs.McDowiel and she has being
very very good Teacher
Derek D
Thank-you Derek. I have really enjoyed teaching your class and I will miss you all when I leave.
Mrs McDowall
Thank-you for all your super comments. It really makes a difference. Remember the blog rules and only ever use your first name and initial, never your full name. Keep blogging!
Mrs McDowall
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